##################################################################### ### Computational class for "Introduction to Algebraic Varieties" ### ##################################################################### Contact: Stefano Marseglia - s.marseglia@uu.nl ### Read carefully BEFORE the class ### - Bring with you your Solis ID (number) - You will need to enter your Solis ID password. Make sure that you remember it! - Bring with you your laptop with charged battery or with the charger. - We will need to use a terminal to login into the 'gemini' server at UU: + if you are a MacOS or Linux user then you should already have a terminal in your system. + if you are a Windows user then there are two possibilities: 1) Use ssh in PowerShell. You can find PowerShell in the Start menu. You might need to use the "Run as administrator" option, which is accessible by a right click with the mouse. 2) (more advanced) Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): This installs a copy of Ubuntu in your Windows system. It works very well, and it allow to use all unix programs and commands inside windows, making many tasks easier. For example, you will be able to connect via ssh to a server, and upload and download files. To install the WSL follow the instructions from the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install (Another advantage is that you compile your LaTex files in Linux instead of Windows. This is much faster! The easiest way to do so is to use VisualStudioCode together with the "Remote - SSH" extension.) Tip: to figure out in which folder you are in WSL use: 'explorer.exe .' 3) (outdated, only for old versions of Windows) Use putty. This is only an ssh terminal which will allow you to connect to the server, but no other commands are available. putty does not require installation. You should download the file putty.exe from: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html - If you encounter any issue you can contact me by email or find me (most days) in my office 4.05 in the Hans Freudenthalgebouw.