// Oruxmaps - Download Oruxmaps from PlayStore. - In general settings, use "Move data to public folder". all the files will be in the folder "oruxmaps" in the main storage of the phone (not protected). - Install in OruxMaps the Elevate V5 map profile. This profile contains 2 variants: Elevate and Elements. https://www.openandromaps.org/en/legend/elevate-mountain-hike-theme#toggle-id-1 - Inside OruxMaps, under MapTweaks one can choose which variant of the profile to visualize. - Download the map from https://www.openandromaps.org/en/downloads/europe - In theory, one can use the "Install in Orux" function directly from the phone. If it does not work, download the map normally, as a zip file and extract it in "oruxmaps/maps". - Hit refresh in map menĂº of the app. the new map should appear. // Gpx from Komoot to Oruxmaps - There is an Chrome extension to download .gpx from Komoot: + log-in. + "save" a path. + modify it if necessary. + the extension should make a button "Download Gpx" appear. - Once one has a gpx file, put it on the phone in some folder. - Then open it with Oruxmaps to load the gpx-track.