Let's assume that you don't want to type code directly in the server. For example because your connection is laggy, or you don't like vim. Then you can do the following. (Tested on Linux on Windows via WSL. On Mac, one might need to install sleep and rsync beforehand.) - Create the file where will you type the code with you favorite text editor. Let's call it 'script'. - Open the terminal on you computer. - Type (enter the missing parts. explaination below) while true; do sleep 1; rsync ~/[path-to-folder]/script [your-solis-id]@gemini.science.uu.nl:~/[destination-folderd]; done - Explaination: In the while loop, sleep forces the computer to wait 1 second. Then executes rsync which sends a copy of script to the destination folder. If you want to let the above while loop run in the background, then add & at the end of the command: while true; do sleep 1; rsync ~/[path-to-folder]/script [your-solis-id]004@gemini.science.uu.nl:~/[destination-folderd]; done & - Now you can keep editing script with you favorite text editor. Whenever you save the changes, the copy on the server will be automatically updated within 1 second. You can reduce the time, if needed by setting sleep 0.1, for example. - The while loop will keep running as long as you have the terminal open.