Tahiti - French Polynesia - 2024.
- News:
pre-AGC2T Magma workshop:
Curves and abelian varieties in Magma - moduli and invariants.
Feb 2025, Local isomorphism classes of fractional ideals of orders in étale algebras has been accepted for publication in Journal of Algebra.
Jan 2025, I'm teaching in Uganda at the CIMPA school Effective Algebra and the LMFDB
Sept 2024, new preprint with Jonas Bergström and Valentijn Karemaker: Abelian varieties over finite fields with commutative endomorphism algebra: theory and algorithms.
Aug 2024, new preprint with Elena Berardini and Alejandro Giangreco Maidana: Abelian surfaces over finite fields containing no curves of genus 3 or less.
July 2024:
Modules over orders, conjugacy classes of integral matrices, and abelian varieties over finite fields has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ( ANTS XVI ).
May 2024:
Cohen-Macaulay type of orders, generators and ideal classes has been accepted for publication in Journal of Algebra.
April 2024:
Abelian varieties over finite fields and their groups of rational points , with Caleb Springer, has been accepted for publication in Algebra & Number Theory.
Feb 2024:
Ideal classes of orders in quaternion algebras , with Harry Smit and an Appendix by John Voight, has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.
- Short CV:
September 2024 - current: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné at the Université Côte d'Azur (with Christophe Ritzenthaler)
January 2024 - August 2024:
Postdoc at
Gaati Lab at the University of French Polynesia
January 2021 - December 2023:
VENI Postdoc at
Utrecht University.
January 2019 - December 2020: Postdoc at
Utrecht University, under the mentorship of Carel Faber.
September - December 2018: Postdoc at the Max Plank Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.
August 2013 - July 2018: Ph.D. student at
Stockholms Universitet,
under the supervision of Jonas Bergström.
I have obtained my doctorate on June 28, 2018.
- Full CV :
March 2025
- Contacts:
E-mails: stefano.marseglia89 (at) gmail.com, Stefano.MARSEGLIA (at) univ-cotedazur.fr
Postal Address:
Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonne (LJAD/CNRS UMR7351),
Parc Valrose,
28, avenue Valrose
06108 Nice Cedex 2,
- Mathematical Interests:
Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory, with focus on computational aspects.
More precisely, my main interests are:
Abelian varieties (especially over finite fields)
Orders in algebras (ideal class monoid, classification of modules)
Arithmetic of GLn(Z) and the conjugacy problem
- Links / Random stuff:
Find me on arXiv
A short guide on how to use orux maps (also with input from Komoot)